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Residential Boarding Houses



Accommodation for Residential Boarders is provided in five Houses, each with its own individual family atmosphere. Each House is led by  resident Houseparents assisted by House Tutors. Extensive recreational activities contribute to create a thriving, caring and friendly atmosphere and there are always a wide range of activities going on in the evenings and at weekends including theatre trips, outings and a great deal of sport.

In September 2019 the new Woolwich House opened for Year 7 Residential Boarders. The House offers co-educational residential accommodation to our youngest students, allowing them to settle into Gordon’s life in a smaller and bespoke environment. Please click here for more information.


 What our students say about boarding

“I love boarding because it’s a great culture, full of diversity and I have met people from all over the world.  Boarding creates a real sense of community on a global scale, which I feel is something you would not get anywhere else. Boarding has given me the chance to become more independent as I have learned to cook meals from fellow students in shared kitchens and do simple tasks like my own laundry, ironing and, shopping, that most people don't do until uni. It’s really helped me to develop a set of skills that will be useful in life and set me up for uni and moving out on my own.”


“Boarding is that never ending sleepover. I have had some of the best experiences of my life boarding. You get to spend time with some of your favourite people, amazing friends and staff and people that make living here at Gordon’s like a second home. Once you get tired of them you are able to go home – it’s perfect! Staff here really don’t make you feel like it is a foreign place at all, it is all very friendly and open with all sorts of activities to keep us entertained and support if you feel that little bit home-sick.”



residential house trips 2024-5
Date activity
Sunday 15th September  Escape Rooms (Gordon's)
Saturday 21st September Thorpe Lakes
Friday 4th October Coral Reef
Friday 18th October Thorpe Park 
Friday 18th October (Year 7s and 8s) Jump In
Half Term  
Saturday 10th November Westfield Shopping Centre
Saturday 17th November Ice Skating at Hampton Court
Saturday 24th November Silent Disco (Gordon's)
Saturday 30th November GSPA Christmas Fair (Gordon's)
Friday 10th January Coral Reef
Saturday 18th January Whitehall Parade
Sunday 19th January Guildford Memorial
Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th January Exeat Weekend
Friday 31st January Kickx
Sunday 2nd February

Reading for Shopping and Cinema

Friday 7th February Pirate Crazy Golf
Half Term  
Sunday 2nd March Mothering Sunday Pottery Painting
Saturday 8th March Cultural Take Away Night
Sunday 9th March Ninja Warrior Juniors (Years 7-10)
Saturday 14th to Sunday 15th March Exeat Weekend
Friday 21st March Nepalese 'Come Dine with Me'
Saturday 22nd March Taskmaster
Sunday 23rd March Parade
Friday 28th March Sixth Form Casino Night