Careers Education
Careers Education is much more than being just about jobs- it’s about preparing for life after school. As a parent, and governor, its wonderful to see the excellent provision at Gordon's is agile, comprehensive and embedded right from Year 7.
Mr D Horton, Parent and Governor
Careers Events Overview 2024 - 2025
Date | Event | Location |
19th September 2024 | Careers in Sport at Wentworth - Behind the scenes at BMW PGA Tour | Wentworth |
14th October 2024 | Gordon's Careers Week - A week celebrating careers in school (see full programme here) | Various |
14th October 2024 | Work Experience and HE Launch (Y12 Parent Event) | REC |
15th October 2024 | Festival of Skills | Surrey Sports Park |
15th October 2024 | Dine and Discuss for Y12 (Arts) | REC |
16th October 2024 | Work Experience and FE Launch (Y10 Parent Event) | REC |
14th November 2024 | Advertising Unlocked Initiative - ZAK Agency Creative Media Trip | BBC Television Centre |
26th November 2024 | Careers in Sport - Workshops sponsored by DP World Tour | REC |
5th December 2024 | Creative Careers Day (Y10 & Y12) | Various |
5th February 2025 | Speed Networking Event for Y10 | Theatre |
10th February 2025 | National Apprenticeship Week - A week of Careers focussed events in school (full programme to follow) | Various |
11th February 2025 | Gordon's School Careers Fair | Theatre |
13th February 2025 | Dine and Discuss for Y12 (STEM) | REC |
27th February 2025 | Future Prospects with AEG (see full programme here) | Theatre |
4th March 2025 | UCAS Fair for Y12 | University of Surrey |
10th March 2025 | National Careers Week - A week of Careers focussed events in school (full programme to follow) | Various |
12th March 2025 | Speed Networking Event for Y12 Part 1 | Theatre |
13th March 2025 | Speed Networking Event for Y12 Part 2 | Theatre |
18th March 2025 | APHA Experience Day for Y12 | Theatre |
1st April 2025 | BAE Systems Roadshow for Y7 | |
8th May 2025 | Dine and Discuss for Y12 (Sport) | REC |
27th June 2025 | Workplace Visits for Y10 | Various |
2nd July 2025 | Workplace Visits for Y8 | Various |
7th July 2025 | Work Experience for Y10 and Y12 | Various |
Careers learning journey
Gordon’s School is committed to providing a planned programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG), framed by the Gatsby Benchmarks, for all students in Years 7-13. Gordon’s School is also committed to achieving a range of outcomes for young people including the careers and work-related learning outcomes identified in the Careers Development Institute's (CDI's) Framework for Careers, employability and enterprise education (April 2021), as well as practical outcomes such as positive destinations, successful transitions and on-going development of employability skills. More information on both the Gatsby Benchmarks and the CDI Framework can be found here.
The programme is implemented through regular curriculum moments in PSHE and across each department, assemblies on options and pathways, and information events for both students and parents. There is exposure to employers and employees via the careers insight talks and during tutor time, giving students a chance to ask meaningful questions. Access to labour market information is delivered through tutor time activities and regular careers bulletins showcasing a wide variety of career sectors. Themed events throughout the year, including National Apprenticeship Week and National Careers Week strive to inspire and inform our learners and offer access to information on the full range of FE, HE and vocational pathways including apprenticeships and T levels. In addition, Gordon’s annual Careers Fair enables students across all years to engage with both employers and providers both locally and nationally.
Students in Years 10 and 12 benefit from the work experience programme to further develop their understanding of the world of work and what it takes to be successful. Work experience supports students in gaining insight into their career interests and values, and builds confidence and employability. The school also partners with INNERVATE Careers Service to provide impartial 121 careers advice during Year 10 and 12.
years 7-9
Careers education for Years 7-9 is delivered through the PSHE curriculum, drop down days, assemblies, tutor time activities and talks.
In Year 7 students will be introduced to the world of employment through topics such as assessing their personal strengths, careers, raising aspirations, leadership, and understanding behaviour at work.
In Year 8 there is an exciting competition about working in the NHS with a focus on equality of opportunity - the theme is careers in the NHS and life choices. Students are exposed to job descriptions, adverts and create their own application for the job for which they feel they are best suited. There is an analysis of the skills needed for the job. Students also learn strengths and behaviours required in the workplace and participate in a workplace visit.
In Year 9 students will understand career sectors and be exposed to labour market information. They will explore career pathways and important themes such as equality at work, and participate in an interview skills project with partners from business.
Every year group has access to a programme of industry speakers and educators supporting exploration of all pathways post 16 and 18. Key stage 3 students are introduced to the range of options from Year 7 and knowledge is consolidated as they move up the school. Themed events such as National Apprenticeship Week and National Careers Week ensure that students meet with employers and employees in order to have the opportunity for meaningful conversations. All students have access to the extensive programme of Careers Insight talks and assemblies, and attend the school Careers Fair. Careers information is embedded in all subjects' schemes of work and labour market information is shared regularly via the Careers Bulletin and in class. UNIFROG has been embedded across all year groups in school to support students on their Careers learning journey, with the capacity to document events and achievements and produce a comprehensive, progressive and personal record of student Career development.
years 10-11
Careers education in Year 10 is delivered through PSHE via specific employability modules, drop down days, assemblies, tutor time activities and talks. In Year 10 students learn how to write a CV, how to apply for a job with confidence and will also have an opportunity to learn interview skills.
In Year 11 the careers modules continue to be embedded in PSHE with the focus is on self-efficacy, future opportunities, personal leadership and readiness for work.
In both years speakers are invited to educate students in exploring all pathways including A Levels, apprenticeships, T Levels and employment. In addition, all Year 10 students receive a one-to-one careers guidance interview with an impartial careers advisor and participate in the work experience programme, designed to develop their employability skills and support them to make good decisions about their next steps.
Themed events such as National Apprenticeship Week and National Careers Week ensure that students meet with employers and employees in order to have the opportunity for meaningful conversations. All students have access to the extensive programme of Careers Insight talks and assemblies, and attend the school Careers Fair. Careers information is embedded in all subjects' schemes of work and labour market information is shared regularly via the Careers Bulletin and in class. UNIFROG has been embedded across all year groups in school to support students on their Careers learning journey, with the capacity to document events and achievements and produce a comprehensive, progressive and personal record of student Career development.
years 12-13
In Year 12 and Year 13 careers guidance has a focus on Post 18 progression which can take the form of gap year, employment, apprenticeships or university. Most students choose to go to university, although an increasing number successfully secure apprenticeships. To prepare for these pathways there are numerous key events across the two years which engage both parents and students and all routes are supported with access to appropriate advice and guidance. The UCAS process is embedded in the sixth form programme, students have access to apprenticeship clinics for application advice and mentoring, and tutoring and guidance is available for Oxbridge and Medi/Vet.
Year 12 students attend the UCAS Fair and have the option to attend the Festival of Skills to support technical pathways and employment, in addition to the Gordon's School Careers Fair. Year 12 are required to participate in the work experience programme, designed to develop their employability skills and support their choices. All students are introduced to LinkedIn before undertaking work experience so they have the skills and knowledge to start building their network.
Themed events such as National Apprenticeship Week and National Careers Week ensure that students meet with employers and employees in order to have the opportunity for meaningful conversations. All students have access to the extensive programme of Careers Insight talks and assemblies. Careers information is embedded in all subjects' schemes of work and labour market information is shared regularly via the Careers Bulletin and in class. UNIFROG has been embedded across all year groups in school to support students on their Careers learning journey, with the capacity to document events and achievements and produce a comprehensive, progressive and personal record of student Career development.
DROP in careers Support
Are you looking for advice on post 16 or post 18 options? Do you need support with your CV or personal statement, guidance on apprenticeship applications, or help with work experience and UNIFROG? Do you have any suggestions for job roles or industry sector speakers you would like to hear from?
Drop in careers support with Mrs Kennedy is available every Tuesday at 10:30am or you can book an appointment by email.
The Careers Hub Library resources are accessible to all students every Friday from 10am - 3pm or at any other time via appointment.
Careers Lead: Mrs A Kennedy
Careers Link Governor: Mr D Horton
Contact Email:
The information on these pages is subject to review in September 2025
CAREERS calendar and events information
See what is coming up for Careers at Gordon's.
Your first port of call for careers information.
Understanding LMI
Understanding the World of Work
Gordon's Padlet
Careers Policies and awards
Read Gordon's careers-related policies here.
Meeting the Gatsby benchmarks
Understand the national frameworks for Careers in schools.
Alumni and Destinations
Our Partners
Learn more about the people and organisations that support us. Can you help?
staff Resources
Supporting the Gatsby Benchmarks in the classroom