Gordon's raises at least £1,457 for Comic Relief
On Friday the 13th of March, Red Nose Day was celebrated nationwide and Gordon’s did not miss out on the festivities
On Friday the 13th of March, Red Nose Day was celebrated nationwide and Gordon’s did not miss out on the festivities. Our Charity Committee leapt at the opportunity, and with the help of both pupils and staff, we managed to raise £1,457.
In the spirit of creative fundraising, our fantastic staff sent in baby pictures of themselves for a ‘’Guess Who’’ competition, where chocolate prizes were up for grabs for the pupils who could guess which child belonged to which staff member.
We also saw the classic ‘’Guess the number of sweets in the jar’’ competition with the victor being Gemma Wood (who guessed the exact amount). As for the red theme, our Mufti Day encouraged a number of eccentric outfits, ranging from crazy wigs to a thorough coating of red body paint. An Amazon gift voucher was eventually awarded to Joe Aspden, whose dotty onesie and dyed hair showed real dedication to the cause.
Our catering staff dressed up the dining hall to show their support, and the Senior Prefects sold every Red Nose we had – thanks to everyone’s hard work, the money we raised can now be spent by Comic Relief to transform the lives of millions of people, both at home in the UK and across Africa.
Camelia Hamdi-Cherif, Deputy Head Girl