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news and Announcements

April 2024

  • Adding up to a Win

    Published 30/04/24

    Mental and physical agility needed in Inter-House maths. Four rounds, involving arithmetic skills, Viking coding, Caeser ciphers and teamwork, topped off with a maths team relay. Buckingham romped home with first place followed by Khartoum and China.

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  • true grit for DofE Bronze

    Published 29/04/24

    Cold, wet and windy but Year 9's resilience shone through as they laboured through their final expedition for their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. The whole year group of over 100 students spent two days and one night on the Surrey Hills negotiating difficult conditions to achieve their goal. Congratulations to all of them.

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  • Back to the Workhouse

    Published 26/04/24

    The doors to the workhouse were opened last night for the first of two performances of Oliver Jnr, by the Lower School. The musical, involving over 70 students was a feast for the ears and eyes and featured a talented cast of young professionals.




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  • Guvna B returns

    Published 24/04/24

    The inspirational rapper, broadcaster and author Isaac Borquaye, known as ‘Guvna B’ returned to Gordon’s today to speak to Years 8-11 about his life, faith, and coping with difficulties. The three times MOBO Awards Winner, who began rapping when in his school playground in Year 8, rapped about the death of his father and answered a wide range of questions from his enthusiastic audience. He told them: “You have all got something to give to the world. If you are going through difficulties, find people and faith and have a positive perspective and you will get through it”.

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  • rugby student tackles lunches

    Published 23/04/24

    New to the school lunchtime menu today, ‘Gabriel’s paprika and herb chicken’, which proved an absolute hit with staff and students. What wasn’t known as we all devoured the delicious chicken blended with herbs, garlic, chilli and paprika, was that it was the recipe of Sixth Form DiSE (Diploma in Sporting Excellence) rugby student Gabriel Kadir. Gabriel entered the dish for the Inter-House cooking challenge, along with coconut rice and so impressed the judges in the catering department that they asked him for the recipe! His chicken meal for one was increased to 800 pieces and declared by all in the dining hall today as a winner, winner chicken dinner!

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  • national essay win

    Published 23/04/24

    For her essay entitled ‘Which aspects of physical geography have the strongest effect on the economic growth and output of a country’?, Year 9 student Maisie Ho has been awarded highly commended in the national Aristotelian Essay Competition run by the Perse School, Cambridge. Maisie, an academic scholar, wrote about economic growth and the physical aspects of the environment and geography that helps economic growth such as hydrology and minerals, referring to Botswana and its diamonds; Sierra Leone’s minerals and Norway’s natural gas. She entered the competition because she thought it would be fun, and to help her write essays in the future. Admitting to being surprised at doing so well in the competition, Maisie said “I was proud because it took me ages to write it. I had to go through it, plan and add references.”

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  • It's come home!

    Published 22/04/24

    First time players in the Surrey Sixth Form League and the First Team wins the league! The senior side beat Oxted at home, clinching the league 5-0. The team, boasts a 19 game unbeaten streak, have only lost three competitive matches this season and have also made it to the quarter finals of the national elite super cup and the semi finals of the county cup.

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  • TCS London Marathon

    Published 22/04/24

    They did it! Congratulations to Gordon’s Marathon runners Jamie Harrison and Daisy Cooper, who smashed the TCS London Marathon, raising hundreds of pounds for their charities and both signing up to take part next year! Director of Sport Mr Harrison last ran it in 2016, this time he donned his running shoes in memory of his mother, who died from bowel cancer in 2019. He completed his run for Bowel Cancer UK in just over four hours.

    Woolwich Houseparent Daisy Cooper, running for Barnardo's children’s charity completed it in 5.25 hours.

    Donations to their charities would still be very welcome. For Bowel Cancer UK, please click here and for Barnard's, please click here.

    Here are pictures of the two of them from yesterday's marathon:

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  • Best foot forward

    Published 20/04/24

    .And so it begins - Year 9 heading for the Surrey Hills this morning for their two day, one night The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Bronze expedition practise. Next weekend they will undertake the final expedition, which involves a 15 mile trek. Best of luck to the year group!

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  • Oar-Inspiring

    Published 19/04/24

    Over 100 miles rowed for charity by Balmoral House! Their Sunrise to Sunset Challenge saw every student and member of staff in the House take to the ergo in the common room from 6am to 8.10pm yesterday in ten minute slots, which raised over £600 for the school’s charities – The Camelthorn Foundation; CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young; Papyrus Prevention of Young Suicide and The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. Congratulations to all! Further donations can be made here.

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  • Scotland call up

    Published 19/04/24

    Best of luck to Charlotte Lill, turning out today for Scotland in the U19 Netball match against Wales in Cardiff. The Gordon’s Sixth Form student and netball scholar, who plays goalkeeper, is studying for her A Levels and also plays for Surrey Storm’s U21s and the school’s First Team.

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  • charity row

    Published 18/04/24

    Newly-capped England U18 Six Nations player Elliot Williams does his stint in the Balmoral House ‘Sunrise to Sunset’ row for charity. Every member of the House, both staff and students, are rowing for ten minutes each in the common room between 0605 and 2010hrs for the school charities. To sponsor Team Balmoral, please click here.

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