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Dine and Discuss

Dine and Discuss Evenings are held every term and provide each Year 12 student with the opportunity to listen to a talk from a visiting speaker on a subject matter or current affairs or wider interest than students’ curriculum.

Each talk will is followed by a supper, during which we hope that interesting discussions will develop between guests seated at long tables; students will be exposed to speaking with adults previously unknown to them, as well as gaining experience on to how to conduct themselves during such an event.

Coming Up


Ash Garratt

With a lifelong passion for teams, performance and learning, Ash Garratt played England and GB hockey through school and university.

After an early career in selling and marketing, Ash progressed to running teams and parts of organisations but was always drawn to the 'team' dynamics and helping to develop skills and performance potential.

He qualified as a business coach and set up Bring Your A-Game Ltd to help businesses unlock better results through their people.

Past Speakers


Gareth Owens, OBE 

Gareth has spent the last 30 years working in the aid sector. He joined Save the Children in 2002 as an Emergency Adviser and became Humanitarian Director in 2007.

Gareth has led responses to many major emergencies over the past two decades, most notably the Iraq conflict, the Asian tsunami, Cyclone Nargis, Haiti, Pakistan, East Africa, Niger and Philippines.

He has played a pivotal role in the development of Save the Children’s humanitarian capacity and in the establishment of collaborative hosted entities including Elrha, the START Network and the Humanitarian Leadership Academy.

Gareth was awarded an OBE in the 2013 Queen’s Birthday Honours list for services to emergency crisis response abroad. 

Baroness WarsiSayeeda Warsi

Businesswoman, campaigner and a cabinet minister, Sayeeda Warsi has had many roles, but she is best known for being the first Muslim to serve in a British cabinet. Baroness Warsi discussed 'What it means to be British'. 

Sir Anthony Seldon

Sir Anthony Seldon to leave the University of Buckingham | Bucks Herald

Sir Anthony Seldon is former Master of Wellington College and Vice Chancellor of Buckingham University, author or editor of more than 45 books on contemporary history, politics and education. He was the co-founder and first director of the Centre for Contemporary British History, is the co-founder of Action for Happiness, is a governor of the Royal Shakespeare Company, honorary historical adviser to 10 Downing Street and a member of the First World War Centenary Culture Committee. Sir Anthony explored '200 Years of British Prime Ministers'.