Student Voice
In addition to the student governing body, students at gordon's have a number of avenues to be heard
Students have the opportunity to contribute their views on academic issues in the following ways:
- Annually the School conducts a whole-school curriculum survey to staff, parents and students.
- All departments are asked collect student views annually to aid their own self-evaluation.
- Each term the Curriculum Student Council meets and proposals for change are passed up to the Student Governing Body meeting.
- At least annually a member of Governing Body holds student focus group meetings with a cross-section of students.
Students have the opportunity to contribute their views on Boarding in the following ways:
- Annually the School conducts a Point-in-Time to parents and students.
- Each House holds weekly year group meetings.
- Each House holds half-termly House forum meetings.
- Residential students have access to an Independent Person with whom they can raise concerns.
- There are Yellow Concern/Complaint forms in all Houses.
- Each term the Boarders' Council meets and proposals for change are passed up to the Student Governing Body.
- Each term the Boarding Governor and Head of Boarding holds student focus group meetings with a cross-section of students.
Students have the opportunity to contribute their views on the Co-Curricular offer in the following ways:
- The Co-Curricular Co-ordinator conducts an ad hoc survey, most recently to Y11-12 with regard to new activities that they would like to see in the Sixth Form offer.
- Heads of Activities are encouraged to regularly collect feedback from team captains to inform their self-evaluation.
- Each term the Co-Curricular Council meets and proposals for change are passed up to the Student Governing Body.