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All departments in the school run competitions at various points in the year which are open to all students, many of which contribute to the Annual Prize-Giving awards.

Our biggest and best COMPETITION

  • Wynter Bee Global Citizen Award – Is an inter-House environment competition  
  • Headmaster’s Global Citizen Award - open to KS3 students

The Wynter Bee Global Citizen Award & The Headmaster’s Global Citizen Award

Gordon’s is committed to supporting the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals and, to that end, would like to offer these competitions to both promote these goals and to engage our students in considering ways in which the issues can be addressed and resolved.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. You can find more information on these 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals here.


These are the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to transform our world:

1: No Poverty

2: Zero Hunger

3: Good Health and Well-being

4: Quality Education

5: Gender Equality

6: Clean Water and Sanitation

7: Affordable and Clean Energy

8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

10: Reduced Inequality

11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

12: Responsible Consumption and Production

13: Climate Action

14: Life Below Water

15: Life on Land

16: Peace and Justice - Strong Institutions

17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal

For more information please speak to the Head of Academic Enrichment

Wynter Bee Global Citizen Award

The Wynter Bee Global Citizen Award

Peter Wynter Bee served Gordon’s School for over 20 years, both as a foundation trustee (including Vice Chair of the Gordon Foundation) and a school governor. As a committed environmentalist, he has very generously endowed an annual prize that enables our students to engage with the key global issues of our time in both a theoretical and practical way.

The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals tackle some of the biggest threats to our world and, as Peter has said

“Our most prized possession for all of us is the Planet.  Every small step we can take to preserve and nurture it becomes a combined giant leap for Planet Earth”.

Through this competition, we hope students will engage with and attempt to address some of these issues and begin the work needed to secure a more sustainable global community for generations to come.

KEY STAGE 3 - Headmaster’s Global Citizen Award

The Headmaster’s Global Citizen Award

Our competition is simple:

Present your views about one of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals found here  and how you think it might be addressed and potentially even resolved. In order to do this successfully you should include the following:

1.            Basic information outlining the issue.

2.            Who and/or what is impacted by the issue?

3.            Where in the world is the issue most prevalent / in need of resolving and why?

4.            What barriers stand in the way of resolving the issue?

5.            How you would attempt to resolve the issue.

  • Competition entries can be presented in any format – poster, artwork, PowerPoint, essay, film etc.
  • Students must work individually and must submit their entry as outlined below by the closing date.
  • Any entries received after the closing date will not be considered.
  • Please refer to all terms and conditions in the ‘Parent Information’ drop down menu.

How to submit your entry:

Please submit your entry to the following email address:

You must ensure your entry is saved in a format that can be easily accessed by the judging panel via the above email address and that you name, age and House are clearly visible on the entry itself, not just in your email.  

All entrants are requested to ensure they are available to attend Prize Giving at Annual Parade where prizes will be awarded to the winners.

Students will not be shortlisted for this prize without parental permission and confirmation of availability to take part in the selected red letter day experience.

The Prize:

Part 1:

The winning entry will receive a gift certificate suffice to cover a Red Letter Day under 16 Experience of their choice, up to a maximum value of £150.

Details of available experiences can be found here

The choice of experience must be made with an awareness of the age restrictions attached.

Please see additional Terms and Conditions in the ‘Parent Information’ drop down menu below.

Part 2:

On behalf of the winner of this competition, Gordon’s School will also sponsor a child in Costa Rica to receive an education on an ongoing basis. Our prize-winner will be able to correspond with this student and engage with their learning journey.

More information about this sponsorship programme can be found here

Click here to view: KS3 Assembly.

For any queries not covered above please contact Miss J Pierce on