Welcome to Gordon's Art Department, where creativity is encouraged to flourish among all our students both inside regular classroom lessons and outside through co-curricular activities.
The various co-curricular activities we offer during Period 7 are:
Print club
In Print Club you are able to develop your skills in a variety of different printing methods such as lino printing, mono-printing, collagraph, etching and more!
Painting workshop
In the painting workshop you will be taught how to properly mix and blend colours, how to apply paint in different ways, and how to copy an artist’s style.
Good to Great Art and Photography
Invite only. In G2G we are looking for artists and photographers who are passionate, enthusiastic and willing to learn. In G2G we will teach you all about artists and photographers and develop your skills further.
Throughout the year we run multiple competitions where you can win some wonderful prizes and be recognised for your amazing work! This also includes Inter-House Art where you can work together as a House to create a piece of work based around a brief.
Look out for annual competitions that are run internally and externally.
Workshops and Trips