As part of our Good to Great Leadership we offer students the opportunity to undertake nationally recognised courses and take part in numerous activities to improve their leadership and mentoring skills.
For further information please contact Anna Hutchings: ahutchings@gordons.school
Recent Successes
Rank Foundation Leadership Award
Congratulations to U Ntia who has been offered a prestigious Rank Foundation Leadership Award, which recognises her outstanding Leadership potential. The Rank Foundation was established by Lord Rank and seeks to encourage leadership among young people, which has led to the development of schemes that encourage leadership in deprived areas of Britain as well as the Leadership Award Scheme which will assist with either your sixth form school fees or your tuition fees while at University. She recently achieved the ILM Level 2 Young Leaders Award, as part of the Good to Great Leadership Programme.
M Hudson has been successful in her application and is a representative at Surrey Heath Youth Council:
L Lisita-Robinson has been successful in his application and is a representative at Woking Youth Council:
ILM Level 2
Congratulations to the following KS4 students who have achieved their ILM L2 Award for Young Leaders
P Norman |
E Jones |
J Deakin |
O Carter |
U Ntia |
I Lewis |
L Henden |
B Hyde |
J O'Brien |
A McMullen |
R S Bhamra |
C Colloff |
Please Click Here to view the ILM Level 2 overview
ILM Level 3
Congratulations to the following KS5 students who have achieved their ILM L3 Award in Leadership and Management:
M Beken |
N Gilbert |
D Lowe |
Z Salim |