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Windsor House


Windsor House is a girls’ Boarding House; as well as accommodating Day Boarders, it is the term-time home of approximately 60 girls. Its aim is to be a home away from home where the girls can thrive and express themselves in a caring family environment.

We encourage participation for all of our girls and try to remain competitive yet inclusive as we enjoy success in all areas of the Inter-House competitions. The girls are warm and welcoming to all and the atmosphere in the House is lively and fun whilst maintaining high standards. Windsor is the place to be!

houseparent contact details:

Houseparent: Mr and Mrs B Heathcote
Tel No. Office: 01276 859727
House Mobile: 07826 867986
Address: Windsor House, Gordon's School, West End, Woking, Surrey, GU24 9PT

house staff

Assistant Head of House: Mrs D Curry and Mrs Lee
House Tutors: Ms Woollard and Miss Winckley
Pastoral Tutors: Mrs J Quinlan
Graduate Pastoral Tutor: Miss P Rigby

student positions of responsibility

Head of House (Residential): M Goate
Deputy Head of House: A Shah

Student Governor:
 A Prior 

House Captain: R Gurung
House Sergeant: Y Gurung
Drill Sergeant: C Pun
Right-hand Marker: C Thapa

Senior School Prefects: T Bascombe, C Packer, N Limbu, F Kurzburg 
Senior House Prefects: C Flynn, N Limbu, A Gregson, L Hall, P Gurung, A Perriton, C Chitukutuku, M Goate, A Ambrose
Junior School Prefects: J Agendia, H Singh, R Rai, S Sherpa
Junior House Prefects: A Limbu, Y Gurung, R Gurung, P Rafemoyo, J Ntia, H Mear, C Pun, T Job, J Sherpa, E Flynn, L Flynn, H Lam

Anti-bullying Ambassadors: 
Year 8: S Singh
Year 9: S Joshi
Year 10: T Job