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Statement of Intent

Relationship & Sex Education (RSE) including Personal, Social, Health & Economic education (PSHE) acknowledges and addresses, the changes and challenges young people experience in society today and equips them with the knowledge, understanding and skills that enable them to live physically and mentally healthy lives. Our programme of study promotes the personal development of our students, highlighting key features of life in modern Britain and celebrates what we have in common, as well as promoting respect for the different protected characteristics, as defined in law.

Through our Self-Science lessons, students develop their character (courtesy, integrity, diligence, enthusiasm and resilience) and explore a variety of practical skills, which will equip them for life outside of school. RSE/PSHE lessons also provide students with a platform in which they are given the opportunity to reflect upon their personal beliefs and attitudes. In doing so, we promote British values, encouraging students to make informed decisions, which demonstrate their appreciation for diversity. Self-Science lessons also prepare students for future success and living in the wider world by promoting transferable skills through a carefully planned careers programme.  

The aim of RSE/PSHE is to promote healthy relationships, encourage students to manage risks, appreciate that actions have consequences, develop financial literacy and become aware of the increasing influence of peers and the media. RSE/PSHE nurtures students into becoming responsible and respectful active citizens who contribute positively to society.

Head of Department: Mr Butler (Assistant Head Personal Development) -



Helpful Websites for parents

For children's mental health services please click here.

Drug and alcohol education

Bob Tait has delivered engaging presentations to parents on drugs and the law. He has put together some useful information for parents: / Website - Slides accompanying the talk; Nitrous Oxide; Parent Leaflet; Party Format; Tables; The Law; The Law and Teenagers;  Types of Drugs; Useful Information Sites on the Internet.

  • Frank - Honest information about drugs
  • Drugscope - Education on the benefits of organic health products
emotional health and wellbeing
financial capability
  • Barclays LifeSkills - Offering people the skills, knowledge and confidence they need for work
internet safety
physical health
relationships and sex education