Inter-House Rugby 2015
On a fresh but cold Saturday morning at the end of November, hundreds of family, friends and relations gave up their time to support 220 of our boys in our annual Inter-House Rugby Tournament.
As ever the levels of competitiveness, commitment, enthusiasm and skill were high, with all boys not willing to give an inch in any of their matches.
All competitions were close fought contests which was made evident when the winners of both the Year 7 and Year 10 were decided after equal points on try countback, with the Sandringham boys taking it over Gravesend on both counts. However in the Year 8 group, Gravesend came to the fore finishing as group winners by two points over Balmoral.
The Balmoral boys rounded their day off with an overall victory by two points over Buckingham in the Year 9 competition.
Playing on a full size pitch, the 'big boys' in the Year 11/6th form group put on a fantastic display of skilful competitive rugby for the spectators. Gravesend ran out as eventual winners with a 2 point margin over Balmoral.
On completion of all competitions, points are accrued and final overall positions are decided. This years overall champions with a total of 20 points was Gravesend with Sandringam and Balmoral sharing second place both on 16 points.
I would just like to say thank you to the following people who made the day an enjoyable event.
The Medical staff who coped with the injuries in a slick effective operation which at some points resembled a first world war casualty clearing station. To the spectators who without doubt encourage our boys to perform well. To the officials both on and off the pitch who ensured smooth safe rugby, and above all to the boys who were without doubt a credit to Gordon's.
Please click here to view the full results from the Inter-House Rugby.
This completes the Inter-House sports programme for this term after 3 events. As it stands, 4 points separate all 5 boys Houses.
Steve Monk