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Inter-House Cross-Country Competition 2015

Thursday 5th November saw the final event of the Inter-House cross-country competition
Thursday 5th November saw the final event of the Inter-House cross-country competition. To see the breakdown of results, please click here.
Historically, cross-country has always proved to be the least popular of the Inter-House events but as ever all athletes entered into the spirit of the competition and gave of their all.
The weather was kind to us for all races, giving a fast and fairly dry course. 
The boys competition was won quite comfortably by Khartoum house picking up first places in years 7, 9, 10 & 11/6th Form.
As far as the girls were concerned, this was a much closer competition  with final honours shared between Augusta and China. At the final tally, there were only 4 points between all four houses.
A particular congratulations to all of our individual winners and we now look forward to the District Inter-School Team Championships taking place at Lightwater Country Park on Tuesday 24 November.
Steve Monk