Student performs with the English Youth Ballet
In the summer holidays Emily successfully auditioned to dance in Swan Lake with the English Youth Ballet (EYB) in three performances at the New Victoria Theatre in Woking.
In the summer holidays Emily successfully auditioned to dance in Swan Lake with the English Youth Ballet (EYB) in three performances at the New Victoria Theatre in Woking. Emily was chosen to dance both as a swan and as a Spanish dancer and then had to attend intensive six hour rehearsals throughout half term and every weekend afterwards until the performances on the 18th and 19th of November. The EYB mixes young dancers with professional dancers in their productions and gave the dancers the chance to experience how life would be in a professional dance company, perfect for Emily whose ambition is to be a professional dancer. Emily's next role is as Alice in the Classical Ballet Centre's production of Alice in Wonderland which will be at the Prince's Theatre in Aldershot in February. She is hoping to study for a foundation degree in dance after her GCSEs and will be auditioning with a number of London dance schools next year.