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Sports Aptitude Form -External Day Students

PLEASE NOTE : Year 12 aptitude assessments will take place on the evening of 31st January 2025 (online forms must be submitted by November 2024)
(Please see 2025 Admissions Policy for further information on aptitude places within the oversubscription criteria ).

Details of Student

I wish to apply for a sports aptitude place and have also completed a Sixth Form application form 2024*

Details of Parent/Carer

For Information Only

Aptitude for Sport
(Please note, aptitude places do not bring with them any discount on school charges.)

The assessment is approximately 60 minutes in duration and consists of the following:

Agility: Candidates begin by lying face down on the floor with arms spread. On a signal they rise and sprint a multi directional course in as quick a time as possible.

Balance: Candidates undergo the Stork test which tests both balance and balance endurance.

Hand-eye co-ordination: Candidates throw a small rubber ball against a wall and catch it with alternate hands.

Leg power: Candidates are asked to make a two footed vertical jump from a standing start; the height of the jump is measured.

Speed: Candidates are timed to see how quickly they cover a 30 metre distance.

Stamina: Candidates complete a short cardio vascular endurance test. We use the 12 minute cooper run at Year 7 and the Bleep Test for the Sixth Form